I'm usually ver humble, but I just want to take credit for this. A few weeks back I told Neal we should blog on videogames and movies. Now here we are, waiting to get out of work and get back to computers w/ webcams so we can begin entertaining you with viblogs about anything.
Just a hint: Don't ever expect my spelling and grammar to be this good again, because just as Jen can eat donuts really well and Neal can write about videogames really well (and in all fairness, Jen can write really well also), I can misspell on purpose like a mother. I'll try to keep it pretty norm over here. Maybe I'll save the Venkman Suite for my sweet convo lines such as "I'm ____ like a mother," "That _____ was bumpin,'" or "Homegirl has to ______." And we can all credit my loving sister for instilling these classic lines in me. Just like how I save those for when I'm tipsy off of White Russians in a fancy restaurant that Neal's fam brings me out to.
Just expect amazing things; we won't disappoint. We are pretty damn funny.
With love from the Venkman Suite,

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