Tuesday, February 17, 2009

joe pwnd by meme

1. Is anyone mad at you?
I hope not

2. Who's the last person you kissed?
Archana or my grandmother, depending on the type asked for

3. Who's the first person you'd call if you won the lottery?
my mommy

4. Do you have a fish tank in your house?
probably, but Eenie Meenie Meinie and Moe died a long time ago

5. What's your ring tone?

6. Do you delete people on MySpace when you're mad at them?
I don't have a myspace

7. What color is your pillowcase?
different shades of blue, white

8. Nearest green object ?
box of dixon ticonderoga pencils

9. What color shirt are you wearing?
grayish blue

10. Who do you trust the most?
my parents

11. What color is your phone?

12. What's on your tv?

13. Do you forgive people easily?

14. What did you do today?
woke up, stretched/did crunches, took shower, read venkmansuite, posted this

15. Last person to IM you?
Gary (wtf he lives in the room next to me)

16. Last person to comment you?
commenting "you" is probably a pretty common occurrence in the world, I have no way of knowing this

17. Who do you text the most?
looks like Neal has the highest percentage of my past 50, I'll say him

18. Could you find an umbrella in your house if you needed one?
not in my house, but in the car yes

19. Last song you heard?
"I'm on a boat", that song gets better every time I hear it

20. Want any tattoos you don’t have?

21. Are you wearing a belt?

22. Do you play the lottery?
not with my own money

23. Last text in your inbox?
"Joe! Remember that gorgeous asian i told you about? I forgot her name. Do you remember?"

24. Last thing you broke?
my pencil point yesterday

26. Last present you received?
valentine's day candy from parents

27. Anything on you hurt?
right armpit

28. Have you taken down your Christmas decorations?
no, but I didn't have any to begin with

29. Quote something?
"This is my area, don't touch my area, it's a violation!"
-my OS professor

30. Ever do something really awful to someone?

31. Last thing you ate?
peanut butter sandwich

32. Plans for tomorrow?
class, finish astrophysics homework, maybe play some games

33. Anyone in the room with you?

34. Miss anyone?

35. Know someone that's lying to you?

36. Walmart, Kmart, or Target?

37. Gold or Silver?

39. Anything you wish you were doing right now?
arm-wrestling Optimus Prime and winning

40. Talking to anyone right now?

41. Last thing you bought?
food at BK

42. Whose birthday is next?

43. Next time you plan on drinking?

44. Fondest memory of your childhood?

45. What are you compulsive about?
cleaning dishes, I've come to hate seeing full sinks

46. Anything you'd change that happened in the last 2 weeks?
getting my computer back, technology is the devil

47. Markers or crayons?

48. Where's your phone?
in my pocket

49. How are you doing on your new years resolution?
didn't make any, so pretty good

50. Who will re-post this?
Neal and Chuck Norris

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