Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What happened?

No one posts anymore; I'm having hxc VenkSuite withdrawl.

1 truth & 2 lies. Pick the truth.

1. I have an extensive collection of potholders that I've been collecting for the past three years.
2. I get my news from Twitter Trending Topics and what other people have to say about them.
3. I'm actually not afraid of bugs; I just get guys to kill them for me because I like the attention.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So I awoke this morning from a dream which was strange but not too bad.

Neal and I were going camping on campus, in that open area between the gym and Wing. I guess it never happened because next thing I knew, we were at my churchs's "museum" (which doesn't exist) on vacation with his family. This is weird for a lot of reasons:
1. It meant Neal's family was taking a week long vacation to my town but was staying in my Church.
2. They acted like they didn't even know/care that I lived in that town.
3. The man working in the gift shop lived in Paramus.

Then Joe showed up to vacation with us.

Then we were discussing this diorama of an Indian tribe which lived near my church (?) in which they were all on a beach.

Then I was possessed by ghosts and tried to drown myself in a bath tub with feet in the middle of a room that was like a little wooden shed. I was being possessed by ghosts who drowned in a tidal wave that killed all of the Indians. While I was in the water, Joe was trying to break down the door to get to me. I guess he succeeded because I did not drown but I knew the secret of the tidal wave.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Nice Link.

This is a very nice Web-Site to find Tuppers:

Hope you enjoy this Find!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

blogging in may

i just wanted to check in w/ blog and attn: neal: please update twitter side bar to my new twitter name (feetlips) so all entiers can be seen by everyone!!!! thanks.

so what is going on in the world??? my life can be summed up in the followin.g

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Personal Reply

Dear ,

I'm sorry to inform you that after careful review of this year's applications, the Institute for Humane Studies Seminar Review Committee is unable to offer you one of the limited places available at our 2009 Summer Seminars. We received a record number of applications this year, and competition was extremely tight. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate all the students we would have liked to accept.

I appreciate your application. I hope you have a great summer and that you will apply again next year. You may also want to visit to see if there are other IHS programs you may be interested in.


Amy Phillips
Director of Seminars
Institute for Humane Studies

Nice use of mail merge; thanks for personally informing me that I didn't make the cut.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I tell you.



Storm Troopers are really just Steampunk Nazis.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Our belove.

Hi please remember to pray for Joe tonight, as he is in Emergancy Room with Kidney Stoned :0(
You are in our throught's, Joe.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

a day in the life!!!!: (feat. jen and lauren l.)

tomorr.: venk w/ guest "matt" (otherwise known as my (jen's) boyf) will be going to city to see tommy wiseau's the room can feel the excitement as it brews already!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This is April 14.

Today, I woke up. But then, my alarm hadn't gone off yet. So I went back to sleep. I pulled the covers up a little more around me before drifting off again. Then, I got a text message from Erika, who told me we weren't going to work on our project at 11 am. I felt the bliss of getting an extra half hour of sleep.

11:30 am. I eventually awake, and got out of bed, one leg at a time. Standing up, I walked to my left to the bathroom, where I placed my towel and bathrobe on the towel rack adjacent to the shower. I turned the shower on, let it heat up; I brushed my teeth in the meanwhile. The minty cool feeling against my mouth upon waking up just felt really refreshing at this time.

In the shower, I used my Blue shampoo on my hair first. Then, after rinsing it, I used a minimal amount of conditioner.

I give up. It's too hard to be this shitty.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome to Moonies Ranch

Today I read an article by Michael Pollan for the New York Times entitled "Our Decrepit Food Factories." Here are some quotes:

1. "When pesticide makers and genetic engineers cloak themselves in the term [sustainability], you have to wonder if we haven't succeeded in defining sustainability down, to paraphrase the late Senator Moynihan, and if it will soon possess all the conceptual force of a word like 'natural' or 'green' or 'nice.'"

Beautifully said. "Green" is a term which may mean something, but doesn't necessarily. I proudly declare that I'm pretty "green" because I drive a Chevy Aveo instead of my mom's Ford Explorer. In the end, it doesn't really matter because I am still using precious fossil fuels and the world is still going to end because of our cars.
Being sustainable just means, "Barely breathing."

On a contrary note, genetically engineered food IS sustainable in the true sense. Sorry that feeding millions of people in Africa and Asia with a concept invited by the founder of the Peace Corps sounds a little too "Franken-food" to you.

2. "For years now, drug-resistant staph infections have been a problem in hospitals, where the heavy use of antibiotics can create resistant strains of bacteria... But a new and even more virulent strain -- called 'community-acquired MRSA' -- is now killing young and otherwise healthy people who have not set foot inside a hospital... The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that at least 70 percent of the antibiotics used in America are fed to animals living on factory farms."

The article goes on to say that there is no direct connection other than an obvious one, but only because there hasn't been studies on it.
Now, I want you all to know that prior to even knowing I had to read this article tonight, Neal and I planned on going to McDonald's for late dinner.
I read this article before we were going to go.
I still went.
In fact, Neal was ready to go so I put down this article and still went.
I ordered chicken nuggets.

I am definitely an indestructible youth. You can threaten me with your staph, scare me with your hormones, concern me with your over-antibiotics.
I will still eat McDonald's. I like it sometimes.

Quoting another article by the same man, "You Are What You Grow":

"Because most of us assume that, true to its name, the farm bill is about 'farming,' an increasingly quaint activity that involves no one we know and in which few of us think we have a stake."

Love it.

But the truth is, I do have my own little "ranch," or what have you. I have three cows (one baby named Mark!), a horse, a sheep, a goat, two silkworms, five chickens, and a duck.
My farm grows a variety of crops including corn, tomatoes, eggplant, strawberries, a variety of herbs, and even has an orange tree.
From my animal products I produce wool, thread, butter, mayonnaise, duckonnaise, and I am researching cheese production.
And while other farms have been financially forced to sell their land to residential and business developers, I am actually in the market to buy new land to plant my increasing number of crops on as well as expand my barn to accommodate new animals.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

DSi and You

I fucking love my DSi. It is so damn pretty. I can take pictures and play with them. I can record sound and play with it. I play games and play with them.
I love my DSi.

She is so much better than those other handhelds.
The Game Gear is so grandpa these days.
DS Lite? More like DS LITE ON FIRE!!!
Don't get me started on that old shit Game Boy.
Virtual Boy is like Virtual Cancer, except you die from it.
That GBA is so G-A-Y.
PSP? more like shit.

Truth be told, I still would love a Sega Nomad.

i'm my brain!


i got a haircut too, and i miss my hair

2) going to meet dan aykroyd next week?


going through d&d withdrawal. it has literally consumed my life. recently completed my first dungeon ever, helped fight wolves and was rewarded with troll sex. i am a trashy half-orc obv.

Just go.

"I thought of you as my mountain top / I thought of you as my peak / I thought of you as everything / I've had but couldn't keep."

After you watch "Adventureland" you're actually kind of depressed when you realize you were born too late to be friends with them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The use of the word "nothing" and it's meaning in King Lear.
One chapter of an intense book that is in my car.
2 chapters of a book I'm not going to read.

I love Tuesday nights almost as much as I love Wednesdays :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I need to not be so boring. I need to start acting on my impulses and going a little crazy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yay technology!

So today I was forced to reformat my laptop after my Windows installation mysteriously corrupted itself and became virtually unusable. Besides killing 2 hours of my night, this normally wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that this is far from the first problem I've had with computers in recent history. My previous laptop, an HP Pavillion dv6045nr, broke down approximately 4 times in the past year alone, ultimately resulting in it being replaced by Best Buy with my current notebook (an Asus, never again will I purchase an HP computer), so naturally I was scared that I had somehow come into ownership of yet another lemon.

Luckily, it turned out that the problem was fixable merely through reinstalling the OS, but the timing of this event has made me question much about myself. Recently I've been having serious doubts about whether Computer Science is the correct field for me to be in. I'm starting to think that all of my computer troubles of late are a sign from some higher power that I need to be doing something else with my life, perhaps something more meaningful. But what? I don't have any real passions about anything, and changing majors on a whim would just cost me money and fuck up my graduation date. It would be awesome if these higher powers that are watching over me would just send me an e-mail explaining what they want of me, because it seems I just can't take a hint.

Speaking of which, it seems that is refusing to install on my computer now. This is especially nice since I have a Philosophy paper due tomorrow. Sweet. I guess I need to go figure out what's wrong...

...oh wait, I already know what's wrong. Computers fucking suck

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boycot @ Washington



Airlock Alpha, Bitches

Note: I figured I'd riff off Joe and title this post the new "way cool" "badass" name for the "Syf"y" website.
So I went to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday. Anything you hear is heresy.
Battlestar Galactica is over. Or at least the main show is. The universe is going to live on in some TV movie and that Caprica prequel thing, but for the majority of people, this shit is done.

I've had something of a love/hate relationship with this show. Basically, I kind of enjoy the show and it weaves a good yarn, but it can get fucking boring and, at least for me, the later seasons seemed to make little sense and got away with murder because it's "critically-acclaimed" and "loved by all." The story just got more convoluted as it reached its conclusion, but to completley shift gears and complement the show, it actually reached a conclusion.

I admire that.

This entire 75 episode show (with plenty of webisodes and other excess) told a singular story from beginning to end. It had well developed characters. It had Edward James Olmos with a moustache.

And the ending's fucking awesome.

I think that ascent from being all "it's fucking boring" to "it's fucking awesome" truly shows off my love/hate relationship with it.

It was good. Let's hope Syfy can make another good show before it gets killed off by an angry robot who hates stupid fucking names.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Syfy? Seriously?

While perusing the headlines from my news feeds today, I came cross the following story.

For the TL;DR crowd, the executives of the Sci-Fi Channel have decided that their name is too nerdy and that a change is needed. According to Tim Brooks, TV historian and a founder of the Sci-Fi Channel, “The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular”. As inaccurate and offensive as that comment is, the name they came up with is somehow even worse. And what, you may ask, have they determined to be the best candidate for this new name?

One word: Syfy. Yes, you read that right. Syfy.

20 minutes later, I'm still not sure if that looks more like one of the more clever typos from Lauren's blog or some weirdo's pet name for his/her syphilis infection. It's that bad. (no offense Lauren, I <3 your blog.)

Really, what were these assholes thinking? To paraphrase the article, Sci-Fi is coming off their best year ever. Their programming is as good as ever, covering the full spectrum of Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek and Sci-Fi Channel original movies. What more can anyone ask for from network television?

Possibly the worst part of the article was when they mentioned the public's reaction.“When we tested this new name, the thing that we got back from our 18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd, which is quite a lot of our audience, is actually this is how you’d text it. It made us feel much cooler, much more cutting-edge, much more hip, which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise” (Dave Howe, Sci-Fi Channel president).

As someone who uses Firefox, writes in a blog and has Twitter, I think I can safely speak for all members of this "18-to-34 techno-savvy crowd" by proclaiming this as one of the biggest crocks of shit ever spoken. What kind of self respecting technophile would ever use the word "Syfy" in a text message, outside of "Syfy is a fucking retarded name"? Certainly none worthy of being associated with, that's for sure.

To conclude this rant, I extend an open invitation to all of my fellow geeks to protest this horrible decision in whatever way you deem appropriate. Organize sit ins, march on the White House, refuse to use this horrible new word, even boycott the channel if you can survive without your Start Trek fix; I don't care what, as long as we band together and show these fools what happens when you isolate your fanbase.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stop your bitching; it's a comic strip movie.

I know my whole, "Hey Billy did you read the comic strip Watch Man before we're seeing the movie?" was a joke. But, and I'm sorry Neal, but what is a comic book than a series of interesting comic strips that don't come in the newspaper in daily, 3-panel format?
And that's def not meant to criticize anything at all; whenever I'm home I read the comics every morning, and have been since I was, well, I don't know, knee high to a pig's eye.
And here's where I'm going to walk a fine line between insulting and embracing comics. Let's get some facts about my opinions straight:

1. Previously stated, I love comic strips and while they may be "Low art" there is still a museum in Boca Raton that I have been to. My favorites include Get Fuzzy, Beetle Bailey, Baby Blues and Adam @ Home.
2. I don't read comic books and I don't read graphic novels. I began to read Y: The Last Man and intend to before everyone and their mother finds out it's coming to theatres. And I wanted to read Superman: Red Son but Billy stole it. Not really but it's a convenient excuse.
3. I would like to read SOME comic books/graphic novels even though I don't want to read many.
4. Iron Man was maybe my least favorite comic book movie; it wasn't bad at all.
5. I'm still trying to figure out why comic book movies are so damn popular. Maybe we're reverting back to our 1940s questioning the meaning of all the death and war, but instead of inventing superheros of our own we just jeep off of the ones that made literate young hooligan boys into the people that are blogging about why the war in the Middle East just plain sucks. Just like we jeep off of everything.

So I went into the Watchmen not knowing a damn thing about it, and the things that Neal told me, well I don't remember anything he tells me until it's applicable. "Lauren, the guy who made 300 is making The Watchmen." ".....oh." After the movie: "Lauren, the guy who made 300 made The Watchmen." "Yeah, I knew, duh." (not really.)
So what are people's major complaints on the movie?

1. The gore. Gore that I can recall: people getting the absolute crap beat out of them, bruises, blood, cuts, defeat, bones protruding from limbs, shot pregnant women, violence against women, sawed off arms, etc.
Here's why you shouldn't bitch about the gore: IT'S NOT REAL. On top of that, it's based off of a comic book, something that is so far removed from reality (enter thin line) that it's irrelevant.
Even more importantly, we see so much violence in other movies that it's not even worth it to bitch about it here just because it's unabrashed and "more graphic" which just means "exquisitly computer generated."

2. The sex. I don't know what everyone's issue was about the sex scenes, especially paired with the Hallelujiah chorus.
Let's get real: it's a comic book and the demographic is teenaged boys and young men. And I don't think they really want to see (in comic or film form) a guy getting all into it and a girl not.
And personally, I am plain out tired of seeing men take the lead in the bedroom in movies like they have been for the past, I don't know, sixty years, probably more? And whatever, I bet it put everyone into an awkward, three-minute long mix of humored, turned on, and embarassed.

(Unable to find a screenshot from the movie!)

You really can't complain about much else.
And I know everyone and their mother has been gushing about the opening sequence, but let me tell you something:
I have never been so moved by a movie in my entire life as I was in the opening of The Watchmen. Get this: I am a history major, I have read and learned and heard from my Dad and professors about almost all of these events. I have seen the real live footage of Kennedy being shot through the head, but I was never really phased by it. In that theatre, I almost cried when Kennedy was shot, and I never before felt so inconsequential not because I am so small, but just because everything before me was so big.

So next time you want to open your mouth to bitch about a comic book movie, just remember it's a comic book movie. And if it's directed by Zack Snyder, remember it was directed by Zack Snyder who can employ a team of graphic designers like no other. Enjoy it, becuase you wouldn't spend $9.50+ on a movie that's just like real life.

Inspired by:
Watchmen Reviews: 'Maybe It's Better to Grow Up'

new song

hello friends. i have recorded a new song. please take the time to dl and listen and rate.


love jen

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

life review

hey readers,

just a heads up that i was an extra on David Wain's e-show, Wainy Days. he directed me and the catering people gave us dallas bbq. i'll be fake talking, fake dancing, and fake drinking behind wain himself in two different episodes (WOW) which should be up in a few months.

also, it should be noted that i watched AD miles tweet on his iPhone.

good things:
+ seeing andrew bird again in june
+ (a lot) of new clothes
+ eating in 1/2 hr
bad things:
+ presentation i am grossly underprepared for in 1 hr
+ backaches
+ lack of cupcakes in my system???

rats off to ya!
ps. my mom got a snuggie and didn't want it. so i tried it on. it's the flimsiest POS ever, and of course, i am too fat for it. snuggie sux you heard it here first.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Sometimes I find myself wishing I could live on a farm and just eat chicken eggs and fresh meat all day, but I know in my brain farm life is more than that. It involves early mornings and heavy lifting and bad smells. It involves a lot more than the pastoral view I have of it.
Then I think about how great I have it living in the 21st century. I have a car and am not confined to my town or trains. I can travel to islands with relative ease. The world is known to me and my peers. I have the internet and not one but two blogs no one reads. I have an ipod that I barely use because I wanted it.
Sometimes when time is rough I think I could give it up; then I realized I'd be missing this:

Utopia cannot exist without Seth Rogan looking like he does.

Life is balanced; the ying has connected with the yang. The world has found Freaks and Geeks and we are all living in Utopia.

Seriously, STFU

Dear Asian girl and friend who sat behind me in Discrete Structures II today,

SHUT THE FUCK UP. When I go to that class, I don't want to hear your inane babbling about who the fuck cares what for 80 minutes; I'm there so some Russian dude can teach me how to count and gamble. I'll let it pass this time, but if this happens again I will BURY you. Same goes for the Indian chick two rows to the left and two seats back from me in recitation this morning, except the guy you were blabbing to had the decency to ignore just about everything you said. Get a clue, dipshit. Days like these actually make me glad that there are no girls in Computer Science.

Now that my rant is done, I will leave you with this:

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Watchmen

I saw the Watchmen at AMC last night and this is all I am going to say for now:

Why does AMC inventory their popcorn bags? I asked two people working concession to give me and "I Love You, Man" popcorn bag, and they both said they would *love* to but they can't.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

movie by jen

Opening Credits:
"sports!" from tim & eric

First Day At School:
"depression-passillo" andrew bird

Falling In Love:
"tables and chairs" andrew bird

Fight Song:
"chorus of the swan" andrew bird (lol im seeing a THEME)

Breaking Up:
"chop suey" the 14-ish second song by casey and his brother

"honeymoon in san fransisco" of montreal

"black" okkervil river

Mental Breakdown:
"spare-ohs" andrew bird

"the gymnast, high above the ground" decemberists

"zodiaccupuncture" aesop rock

Getting Back Together:
"first song" andrew bird

"black foliage (animation 2)" the olivia tremor control

Birth of Child:
"it ends with a fall" okkervil river

Final Battle:
"stolen children" parenthetical girls

Death Scene:
"sweetbreads" andrew bird

Funeral Song:
"southern belles in london sing" the faint

Rememberance Song:
"devil's elbow" colin meloy

End Credits:
"that's where it's at" colin meloy

Monday, March 2, 2009

This Movie Would Suck

Opening Credits:
"Mexicali Blues" - Grateful Dead

First Day At School:
Chicago - Big D and the Kids Table

Falling In Love:
U-Mass - Pixies

Fight Song:
TV Casualty - The Misfits

Breaking Up:
All You Need - Sublime

Eminence Front - The Who

I'm the Kinda - Peaches

Mental Breakdown:
Lighten Up - The Beastie Boys

First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes

Oi to the World! - The Vandals

Getting Back Together:
Cracked Actor - David Bowie

Broken Face - The Pixies

Birth of Child:
I Think I Lost My Headache - Queens of the Stone Age

Final Battle:
Suffragette City - David Bowie

Death Scene:
Blue Condition - Cream

Funeral Song:
DQ Blizzard - mc chris

Rememberance Song:
Bones - Saves the Day

End Credits:
Joe Bou - Murder by Death

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bridge and/or tunnel

I love living in New Jersey and I love being able to go to the city whenever I want. I hate being bridge and tunnel though, so my ideal trip to New York would be one in which I managed to stay away from clubs, places I would meet people, and anywhere near Times Square. Fortunately, this isn't too hard. But every time I go to New York, I tend to find myself doing "tourist" things, even if I don't mean to. Here's a list:

1. Going to the Museum of Natural History and the Met.
2. Taking the Subway in the wrong direction or taking an express.
3. Going to Broadway shows.
4. The M&M store.
5. 2 words: Port Authority.

I don't want to appear to be like a New Yorker because of two reasons: I'm not a New Yorker nor do I want to be a New Yorker. Plus, "I'm not a poser." (Sorry there's no sound. Not my video.)

But I do like to go to New York and as I'm turning into a Big Kid, I find myself being able to do more things. I can now drink.javascript:void(0) I can go to bars and clubs without limit. I am also employed and have a moderate amount of money to spend. It is as if the entire city is there for me, at my fingertips.

But I don't like clubs and bars are only acceptable for me in certain situations. Plus, the boif is still a baby for another 2 and a half weeks. What I do love though, and what New York has plenty of, is restaurants.

I don't think I have a single friend who doesn't enjoy eating or the company of others. So I find restaurants to be the ideal gathering place: everyone can (generally) find something they love. So I attempted to organize a trip to New York amongst friends. I began by flipping through my NYC coupon book (because it's how I do) and came across a buy one get one coup for an entree at Pop Burger on 58th St. So I read some reviews, found out that there was no middle ground, but fell in love with the decor of the counter dining area and the idea of $18 cocktails just seemed *slightly* glitsy. I found even more coups for sharing and got in touch with some friends. (Oh yeah, this was all so we had something to do with Dan, because we missed him so.)

I drove my roller skate with Neal, Jen, and Matt into New York, parked too many blocks away at a parking garage, and went to meet up with Joe and Dan. Here's where the video of my city driving would be, if it loaded. Instead, here's the link.

Next we went walking off down 58th in one of the safest corridors of New York, but one where I felt oddly uncomfortable. While "poor" is scary, "rich" is downright stifling. Which is worse? After Matt's crashing of a Mac in the most futuristic Apple store ever, we went to Pop Burger.

After finding out that my coupons (which did not state this) were lounge only, we went up to the lounge and our party of 6 was seated at two round coffee tables against a plush bench and given two (maybe three) regular chairs. There was a party of apparently pre-teens enjoying their burgers on one end, and God only knows what on the other. I was too busy having a panic attack to notice. See, I had been worried all week that the burgers would be too expensive (we all knew the prices beforehand and were well prepared, but I still worry), that it would be crowded, the people rude, the atmosphere stuffy and uninviting. I got that last one right. Not to mention the burgers in the lounge (2 sliders, no fries) were $15 in the lounge and $7 at the counter. After a few minutes of no drink order being taken, a quick "bail" was announced around the table, and we went running down the staircase to the counter of normal-people-salvation.

Well, imo the burgers were pretty good. I even enjoyed the sauce they put on them, very unusual for me. But anyone can agree $18 for 2 sliders, fries, and a beer is pretty steep. Luckily for me, I came equipped with the one counter coupon and Joe owed me money from ComicCon.

Here's our experience:

With Love,

The Finally All Together In One Place Venkman Suite

Thursday, February 26, 2009

intense song post

hey all... just wanted to share my current fav. video/song. by international star "mark gormley." recoomend's to listeners of : led zeplins, beatles, rolling stone. enjoy!!! rate video!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dairy Queen V and WATHCMNEN! Spider-Musical

Dragon Quest V is fucking old-skool. Like, could-play-it-sleeping-with-my-finger-glued-to-the-a-button, random-battle-crap old-school.
I mean, it's good so far and apparently there are going to be story twists, but it's just leaving me this comfortable feeling of "I've done this all before."
I guess that's Dragon Quest though.

AND!!!! Holy crap the Watchmen comes out next week.
I remember there was a time slightly after the Dark Knight came out that I didn't think I could ever be as hyped for another movie. Like every future comic book movie would just pale in comparison to the Dark Knight spectacle (even the inevitable sequel, which will pale in comparison). The Watchmen is my comic book movie savior. I am pumped. Super pumped.

"Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark" is the official title for the February 2010 launching Spider-Man musical. It features music by Bono and the Edge. It supposedly has the largest budget in Broadway history.
I theorize it will be the biggest flop of all time.
I will also be there in previews if I can.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why do we do it the way that we do it?

Said, I don't go to clubs
And I don't go to raves
And I don't go to pubs
And I don't go to parades

I think the most fun drinking is at Wayne Hills Diner or Denny's or Applebee's and involves friends.

Thanks for not making fun of me for it.
Thanks, yo, for being the dopest friends around.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Blood 3, Caroline, The Devil, and More

I saw two 3D movies this past weekend: Coraline and My Bloody Valentine. As a skeptic of 3D movies, I left both of them quite impressed. The sense of depth in both of them were quite awesome, especially when text very visibly jumped off the screen. MBV had a really cool intro where newspaper overlays came out on top of each other and it was a very real almost-Minority-Report vibe to it. Fade outs are now cool again.

I've been reading Goethe's Faust for my Lit class this semester. It's pretty decent and I'm enjoying it even more because my class seems to hate it. I'm turning more and more into a apathetic griefer in my English classes. I think that's a bad thing. I feel mildly trapped because there are these really simple concepts in the story that people can't really grasp. It's not like this is a GE class, this is a class that English majors take. I'm just continually frustrated by the lack of...something...knowledge? worldiness?-something I can't even put my finger-but the lack of that in my peers is endlessly frustrating. I feel like an asshole for saying that, because it's not like I know my shit inside and out. I'm a slacker and a half, but somehow my minimal effort vastly outweighs some people's full efforts.
"Sometimes jacks rule the realm/Can't ya tell/The swimmers drown/Without a sound/A chalkboard scratching sound/Will craze the town/An Emperor's clothes/Never be exposed"

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I've also been making a shitton of Cubeecrafts. They fucking rule.

I started playing Dragon Quest V for review for NWR. Slow-paced old-school RPG FTW. It is supposed to be one of the best games in the series and a landmark RPG. Right now I feel like I'm going through the motions. I'm only a little over an hour into it though. It must get better.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today, My boyfriend dumped me because he said the relationship was too tough for him. When I asked for an example he responded "Like, I don't have enough time to play World of WarCraft." FML

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

picture this

1. a picture of you in your room.

2. a picture of you posing with someone you don't actually like.

guess who.

3. a picture with a former crush.

4. a picture of you very drunk.

5. a picture of you with a parent or two.

6. a picture of you on your birthday, or your favourite holiday

7. the youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.

8. a picture of you in one of your favourite outfits.

9. a picture of you making a goofy face at the camera.

10. a picture you miiiiiight have edited to make yourself more attractive.

11. a picture of you and a team or club you're in.

Does STC count as a club?

12. a picture of a night you regret...

I regret that Thomas is broken.

13. a picture of you showing off a new haircut. (even if it's an old haircut now)

14. a picture of you truly being yourself.

15. the most recent picture of you.

16. a picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.

17. a picture you're tagged in on facebook that you aren't actually in.

18. a picture of a time in your life that's over, but you wish it wasn't.

19. a picture of a time in your life that's over, and you couldn't be more thankful that it is.

20. a picture with your oldest friend.

21. a picture with your newest friend.

22.a picture of you when you were anything but happy...even if you were smiling and did your best to hide it.

I failed at trying to hide it.

23. a picture of you that you had no idea was being taken.

24. a picture of you when you were a different person than you are now.

25. a picture of you in a fashion "DON'T".

26. a picture of you in a swimsuit - whether you love it or loathe it.

that baby has lobsters all over it.

27. a picture of you taking a shot/chugging a beer/downing some sort of mixed drink.

28. a picture of yourself that you hate.

29. a picture of you with someone you love.

30. a picture of how you'd like the world to see you.

Little does everyone know that I have always been obsessed with these things since childhood... it's because of the koala on the front of it (not pictured)
31. a picture that describes how you'd like to spend every day.

32. a picture of a time when everything was changing.

33. a picture that makes your heart hurt.

34. a picture that makes your heart smile.

35. A picture of one of the best nights of your life. (or day)